PowerShell to the Proxmox API part 2

In this continuation from part 1, I turn this script into a function that is much more usable day-to-day.

What improvements have been made? It’s a function now, so that makes it reusable without hardcoding each value. The function will save most values, like TokenUser and TokenSecret so you don’t have to re-enter them each time you run it. Note that importantly, that since TokenSecret is a SecureString, it is encrypted when saved to XML. Also, with the function, you can specify an individual VM ID, or don’t specify an ID to return all VMs on that node.

How does it work?

The first time you run it, you will need to specify parameters TokenUser, TokenSecret, Node, PveServer. This example will securely save those parameters. The parameters are using splatting to make them easier to read, and the example prompts for the TokenSecret so it won’t be listed in plaintext.

if (-not $Secret) { $Secret = Read-Host "Enter the TokenSecret" -AsSecureString }

# Example use:
$PveVmParams = @{
    TokenUser   = "username@pam!prov"                    # example: "username@pam!tokenname"
    TokenSecret = $Secret                                # example: "11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555"
    VmId        = "100"                                  # ID of VM
    Node        = "pve"                                  # PVE node name
    PveServer   = ""                        # PVE node IP Address or if using SSL certificate, then use name as in certificate

Get-PveVM @PveVmParams

This is the output of the above example:

Name      : highcastle--debian
VmId      : 100
Status    : running
CPUs      : 4
MaxDiskGB : 20
MaxMemGB  : 8
Tags      : env-dev;os-debian
UpDays    : 0
UpHours   : 7
UpMinutes : 43
UpSeconds : 57

Following is another example. The Get-PveVM command is run without any parameters. Since the connection parameters were set and saved in the prior run, they are not needed again, unless they will change. Without “VmID” parameter, it returns all VMs on the node. We filter so we only show those VMs where the status is “running”, and then we format it as a table.

Get-PveVM | Where-Object Status -EQ "running" | Format-Table

This is the output:

Name                       VmId Status  CPUs MaxDiskGB MaxMemGB Tags                UpDays UpHours UpMinutes
----                       ---- ------  ---- --------- -------- ----                ------ ------- ---------
highcastle--debian          100 running    4        20        8 env-dev;os-debian        0       7        47
electricsheep--windows2022  101 running    2        60        4 env-dev;os-windows       0       7        47
active-directory1           102 running    2        60        4 env-prod;os-windows      0       7        47

The function

function Get-PveVM {
    param (
        [string]$VmId, # Optional
        [int]$PvePort = 8006,
        [string]$PveConnectSetingsPath = $env:LOCALAPPDATA + "\PveConnectSettings.XML"

    begin {
        #region SETUP
        # import settings
        if (Test-Path -Path $PveConnectSetingsPath) {
            Write-Verbose -Message "Loading settings"
            $settings = Import-Clixml -Path $PveConnectSetingsPath

        # apply imported settings if not specified in parameters
        if (-not $TokenUser) { $TokenUser = $settings.TokenUser }
        if (-not $TokenSecret) { $TokenSecret = $settings.TokenSecret }
        if (-not $Node) { $Node = $settings.Node }
        if (-not $PveServer) { $PveServer = $settings.PveServer }
        if (-not $PvePort) { $PvePort = $settings.PvePort }

        # Save settings
        $settings = @{
            TokenUser   = $TokenUser
            TokenSecret = $TokenSecret
            Node        = $Node
            PveServer   = $PveServer
            PvePort     = $PvePort
        Export-Clixml -Path $PveConnectSetingsPath -InputObject $settings -Force -ErrorAction Continue -Depth 2

        # form URL
        if ($VmId) { $url = "https://${pveserver}:$pveport/api2/json/nodes/$node/qemu/$vmid/status/current" }
        else { $url = "https://${pveserver}:$pveport/api2/json/nodes/$node/qemu" }

        # set up authorization header to use token values
        $pveheader = @{Authorization = "PVEAPIToken=$tokenUser=$((New-Object PSCredential 0, $TokenSecret).GetNetworkCredential().Password)" }

    process {
        #region EXCUTE

        # send the API request to PVE
        $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $pveheader -Method Get -Uri $url -ErrorAction Stop

        #region OUTPUT
        # format the result
        $result.data | ForEach-Object {
            $uptimeSeconds = New-TimeSpan -Seconds $_.uptime
                Name      = $_.name
                VmId      = $_.vmid
                Status    = $_.status
                CPUs      = $_.cpus
                MaxDiskGB = $_.maxdisk / 1GB
                MaxMemGB  = $_.maxmem / 1GB
                Tags      = $_.tags
                UpDays    = $uptimeSeconds.Days
                UpHours   = $uptimeSeconds.Hours
                UpMinutes = $uptimeSeconds.Minutes
                UpSeconds = $uptimeSeconds.Seconds
    end {


PowerShell to the Proxmox API part 1

Proxmox Virtual Environment (PVE) is a virtualization platform that supports virtual machines (QEMU), containers, templates, snapshots, per VM firewall, web-based management interface, etc. Proxmox runs on Debian Linux, and supports local command line tools for automation. So what do I do if I want to automate Proxmox from Windows PowerShell? Use the Proxmox API of course.

I wrote this script as a proof of concept to demonstrate how to use an API in PowerShell, and specifically how to consume the Proxmox API from PowerShell.

What does this script do?

This script will return the name, status, and uptime for a specific VM in a nicely formatted table. This is an example of the output:

Name               Status  UpDays UpHours UpMinutes UpSeconds
---- ------ ------ ------- --------- ---------
highcastle--debian running 9 17 1 46

How does this script work?

This script follows this common pattern: Set up, execute, output.

Set up

If you don’t already have an API token in Proxmox, see these instructions.

For the “prepare variables” section, you’ll need to customize these values to match how your Proxmox environment is set up. $tokenUser is in the format “username@pam!tokenname” and $tokenSecret is the value assigned when initially creating the token. $vmid is the VM’s ID number. $node is the PVE node name as listed under Datacenter. $pveserver can be the node’s IP address, or hostname. $pveport is the API port, keep the default of 8006, unless you have changed this in PVE.

$url is the API URL is the path to get the virtual machine status. The API Viewer documentation helped me to get the exact path needed.

$pveheader is the Authorization header that gets sent with the API call.


This is just the one line, using the command Invoke-RestMethod. It uses all the values we prepared in the Set up region. This is the command that actually connects to the Proxmox API. The results of this command are put in the variable $result.


Here is an example of the data returned by the API call:

PS C:\code> $result.data

diskread : 190837326
ha : @{managed=0}
maxdisk : 21474836480
netout : 1919738
proxmox-support : @{pbs-library-version=1.4.1 (UNKNOWN); pbs-masterkey=True; backup-max-workers=True; query-bitmap-info=True; pbs-dirty-bitmap-savevm=True; pbs-dirty-bitmap=True;
backup-fleecing=True; pbs-dirty-bitmap-migration=True}
spice : 1
maxmem : 2147483648
clipboard :
pid : 2210159
blockstat : @{scsi0=; ide2=}
diskwrite : 755953664
name : highcastle--debian
mem : 355270656
cpus : 1
freemem : 1707507712
uptime : 872718
netin : 354281367
nics : @{tap100i0=}
disk : 0
ballooninfo : @{max_mem=2147483648; free_mem=1707507712; mem_swapped_in=0; mem_swapped_out=0; total_mem=2062778368; last_update=1719800413; actual=2147483648;
minor_page_faults=807811; major_page_faults=492}
running-machine : pc-i440fx-8.1+pve0
status : running
vmid : 100
cpu : 0.00591751100250928
running-qemu : 8.1.5
qmpstatus : running
balloon : 2147483648
agent : 1

That’s a lot to sift through, isn’t it? Remember that this script will return just the name, status, and uptime. To make this script useful, and so it doesn’t overwhelm us with this wall of text, I will narrow down the output into a PS Custom Object and format the results. The VM name and status are simple to pull out of the data properties of the same names. The uptime value returned is in seconds, so to make that useful, I convert it to a TimeSpan. In the PS Custom Object, I output that TimeSpan as days, hours, minutes and seconds to make it more easily understood.

To format the PS Custom Object, it is piped into Format-Table, so it displays as a horizontal table.

The script

#region SET UP
# prepare variables
$tokenUser   = "username@pam!tokenname"               # example: "username@pam!tokenname"
$tokenSecret = "11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555" # example: "11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555"
$vmid        = "100"                                  # ID of VM
$node        = "pve"                                  # PVE node name, default is "pve"
$pveserver   = ""                        # PVE node IP Address or if using SSL certificate, then use name as in certificate
$pveport     = "8006"                                 # default port is "8006"

# form URL
$url = "https://${pveserver}:$pveport/api2/json/nodes/$node/qemu/$vmid/status/current"

# set up authorization header to use token values
$pveheader = @{Authorization = "PVEAPIToken=$tokenUser=$tokenSecret"}

#region EXCUTE
# send the API request to PVE
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $pveheader -Method Get -Uri $url

#region OUTPUT
# format the result
$uptimeSeconds = New-TimeSpan -Seconds $result.data.uptime
    Name      = $result.data.name
    Status    = $result.data.status
    UpDays    = $uptimeSeconds.Days
    UpHours   = $uptimeSeconds.Hours
    UpMinutes = $uptimeSeconds.Minutes
    UpSeconds = $uptimeSeconds.Seconds
} | Format-Table


This is a demo of using PowerShell to connect to the Proxmox API. In part 2, I will refine the script and turn it into a flexible function that you can use day to day.

How to Create an API Token for Proxmox VE

“Proxmox Virtual Environment is a complete, open-source server management platform for enterprise virtualization. It tightly integrates the KVM hypervisor and Linux Containers (LXC), software-defined storage and networking functionality, on a single platform. With the integrated web-based user interface you can manage VMs and containers, high availability for clusters, or the integrated disaster recovery tools with ease.” from Proxmox.com

You can authenticate to the Proxmox API using a user/password or using an API token. An API token is useful because it let’s you fine tune permissions to the task at hand, and if you need to revoke a token, it won’t impact the user that it’s associated with. Also, I liked the simplicity of using the same authentication header with each API call. With user/password authentication, I didn’t want to manage a ticket cookie over multiple API calls.

This blog post documents how to create an API token.

  1. Go to Datacenter > Permissions > Groups
    • Click the Create button to create a new group, call it for example “provisioning”
  2. Go to Datacenter > Permissions > Users
    • Click the Create button to create a new user
    • User name: for example “provisioner”
    • Realm: “Proxmox VE authentication server” (or you can select “Linux” but you will need to set the password on the Linux command line)
    • Group: select the group you created earlier
    • Click Add
  3. Go to Datacenter > Permissions
    • This will set permissions for the group, click Add
    • Path: To allow the permissions to be applied anywhere in Proxmox, select “/”, or to refine where they get applied, select that specific path.
    • Select Role, for example “Administrator”, or a more restrictive role depending on what you intend to do.
  4. Go to Datacenter > Permissions > API Tokens, to create the actual token
    • Click Add
    • Select the User you created above
    • Token ID: Type a name for the token, for example “prov”
    • When you click Add, the Token Secret will be displayed. It will only be displayed once, at creation, so copy it to a secure location. It is a string in the form of 36 random-ish characters.

Find invalid characters using PowerShell

Have you ever copied code from a web site or an email and have it not work because some of the characters auto-corrected to weird quotes or dashes or the like? I have, and it can be a real hassle finding those characters because they look so much like the normal characters.

I wrote this module to find those characters.

From the module description:

Finds out of range encoding (ASCII, ANSI, Unicode) of characters in a file or object. The default “in range” is 32 to 126, most of the “printable” ASCII.
Each line is printed to the console, preceded by a line number. In range characters are displayed in black and white. Out of range characters are displayed in yellow with a red background. At the end of the output is a log of each out of range character; listing line number, character number, the character as it is displayed, and the encoding value.
A custom range can be set by passing an array of in-range INTs. The range does not need to be consecutive, it just needs to be an array of integers.
This module will be especially useful in checking code pasted from email or the web with might have unacceptable characters.
Note that out of range characters are not always wrong, but in the wrong spot can cause problems.

   Finds out of range encoding of characters in a file or object 
   Finds out of range encoding (ASCII, ANSI, Unicode) of characters in a file or object. The default "in range" is 32 to 126, most of the "printable" ASCII.
   Each line is printed to the console, preceded by a line number. In range characters are displayed in black and white. Out of range characters are displayed in yellow with a red background. At the end of the output is a log of each out of range character; listing line number, character number, the character as it is displayed, and the encoding value.
   A custom range can be set by passing an array of in-range INTs. The range does not need to be consecutive, it just needs to be an array of integers.
   This module will be especially useful in checking code pasted from email or the web with might have unacceptable characters. 
   Note that out of range characters are not always wrong, but in the wrong spot can cause problems.
   Find-OutOfRangeCharacters -Filename .\fate.ps1
   Find-OutOfRangeCharacters -Object $(Get-Content -Path .\fate.ps1) -Range $(32..96)
   Find-OutOfRangeCharacters -Object "hello wörld"
function Find-OutOfRangeCharacters
        # File of data to be searched
        [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})]

        # Data to be searched

        # INT array of in-range encoding values
        $Range = 32 .. 126

#region retrieve data
    if ($Object) 
        $c = $Object
        $c = Get-Content $Filename #-ErrorAction Stop

    $message = ""

    # loop through each line
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $c.Length; $i++)
        # need to display "$i + 1" because arrays count from 0 but humans count from 1
        $PrettyLineNumber = "[" + $($i + 1).ToString("000") + "]" 
        Write-Host -Object $PrettyLineNumber  -NoNewline -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor Blue
        $line = $c[$i]

        # loop through each character in the line
        for ($k = 0; $k -lt $line.Length; $k++)
            # get encoding value for the character
            $CharValue = [int][char]$line[$k]

            if ($CharValue -notin $Range) 
                # need to display "$i + 1" and "$k + 1" because arrays count from 0 but humans count from 1
                Write-Host -Object $line[$k] -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor Red
                $message += "Line # $($i + 1), character # $($k + 1), displays as `"$($line[$k])`", encoding value $CharValue `n" 
                Write-Host -Object $line[$k] -NoNewline -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor Black 
        # write end of line

    # write log of out of range characters found
    Write-Output $message

PowerShell: Return Debug and Verbose messages From Your Functions

Debug and Verbose let you return extra information from your scripts, for specific situations, and only when needed. Debug lets you return “programmer-level” information. Verbose lets you return more detailed information to the user. I’ll provide some examples.

Continue reading “PowerShell: Return Debug and Verbose messages From Your Functions”

Compare services of two computers in PowerShell

This function “Compare-Services” will allow you to compare the running services of two computers. The first one is called the Reference Computer, the second is the Difference Computer. The output defaults to Compare-Object output. If you need an object to do further work with, this is what you want. If you don’t want to puzzle out what the “=>” and “<=” indicators mean, and you want a simple report, you can use the -FriendlyText switch will give you English text output, which will make more sense to many humans, at least the English speaking humans reading this blog. Windows remoting needs to be enabled on the computers being checked for this to work.

Example output:

Compare-Object style (PS object) output:

InputObject                           SideIndicator
-----------                           -------------
Distributed Link Tracking Client      =>           
Active Directory Web Services         <=           
Application Information               <=           
DFS Namespace                         <=           
DFS Replication                       <=           
DHCP Server                           <=           
DNS Server                            <=           
Intersite Messaging                   <=           
Kerberos Key Distribution Center      <=           
Active Directory Domain Services      <=           
Smart Card Device Enumeration Service <=           
Shell Hardware Detection              <=           
Virtual Disk                          <=           

Friendly Text (English) output:
"Distributed Link Tracking Client" is on lab01 (not on dc1)
"Active Directory Web Services" is on dc1 (not on lab01)
"Application Information" is on dc1 (not on lab01)
"DFS Namespace" is on dc1 (not on lab01)
"DFS Replication" is on dc1 (not on lab01)
"DHCP Server" is on dc1 (not on lab01)
"DNS Server" is on dc1 (not on lab01)
"Intersite Messaging" is on dc1 (not on lab01)
"Kerberos Key Distribution Center" is on dc1 (not on lab01)
"Active Directory Domain Services" is on dc1 (not on lab01)
"Smart Card Device Enumeration Service" is on dc1 (not on lab01)
"Shell Hardware Detection" is on dc1 (not on lab01)
"Virtual Disk" is on dc1 (not on lab01)

And here is the function:

function Compare-Services ($ReferenceComputer, $DifferenceComputer, [switch]$FriendlyText) {

$ReferenceServices = (Get-Service -ComputerName $ReferenceComputer | where Status -EQ "Running").DisplayName
$DifferenceServices = (Get-Service -ComputerName $DifferenceComputer | where Status -EQ "Running").DisplayName

$CompareResult = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $ReferenceServices -DifferenceObject $DifferenceServices

if ($FriendlyText) {
    $CompareResult | foreach {
        if ($_.SideIndicator -eq "=>") {"`"$($_.InputObject)`" is on $DifferenceComputer (not on $ReferenceComputer)"}
        if ($_.SideIndicator -eq "<=") {"`"$($_.InputObject)`" is on $ReferenceComputer (not on $DifferenceComputer)"}
    else {$CompareResult}


PowerShell cmdlet to create lab users

So you have Active Directory in your lab and want to create a bunch of users for some reason? My PowerShell cmdlet “New-LabADUser” should be just what you need.

Usage examples:

PS C:\> New-LabADUser

DistinguishedName : CN=BStevens,CN=Users,DC=south,DC=lab
Enabled           : True
GivenName         : Bonnie
Name              : BStevens
ObjectClass       : user
ObjectGUID        : 33319b1b-bf93-4647-8e8d-d193be91043d
SamAccountName    : BStevens
SID               : S-1-5-21-4025744032-3205137867-863233111-1711
Surname           : Stevens
UserPrincipalName : 

PS C:\> New-LabADUser -NumberOfUsers 3 | select Name


PS C:\> $UsersCreated = New-LabADUser -NumberOfUsers 10 | select DistinguishedName

PS C:\> $UsersCreated


Users are created with Organization = “LabUser” to make them easy to find:

PS C:\>  Get-ADUser -Filter "Organization -EQ 'LabUser'" | select Name


And the cmdlet…

function New-LabADUser
 # Param2 help description
 [int]$NumberOfUsers = 1

# build the names lists
 $GivenName = ("Aaron", "Adam", "Alan", "Albert", "Alice", "Amanda", "Amy", "Andrea", "Andrew", "Angela", "Ann", "Anna", "Anne", "Annie", "Anthony", "Antonio", "Arthur", "Ashley", "Barbara", "Benjamin", "Betty", "Beverly", "Billy", "Bobby", "Bonnie", "Brandon", "Brenda", "Brian", "Bruce", "Carl", "Carlos", "Carol", "Carolyn", "Catherine", "Charles", "Cheryl", "Chris", "Christina", "Christine", "Christopher", "Clarence", "Craig", "Cynthia", "Daniel", "David", "Deborah", "Debra", "Denise", "Dennis", "Diana", "Diane", "Donald", "Donna", "Doris", "Dorothy", "Douglas", "Earl", "Edward", "Elizabeth", "Emily", "Eric", "Ernest", "Eugene", "Evelyn", "Frances", "Frank", "Fred", "Gary", "George", "Gerald", "Gloria", "Gregory", "Harold", "Harry", "Heather", "Helen", "Henry", "Howard", "Irene", "Jack", "Jacqueline", "James", "Jane", "Janet", "Janice", "Jason", "Jean", "Jeffrey", "Jennifer", "Jeremy", "Jerry", "Jesse", "Jessica", "Jimmy", "Joan", "Joe", "John", "Johnny", "Jonathan", "Jose", "Joseph", "Joshua", "Joyce", "Juan", "Judith", "Judy", "Julia", "Julie", "Justin", "Karen", "Katherine", "Kathleen", "Kathryn", "Kathy", "Keith", "Kelly", "Kenneth", "Kevin", "Kimberly", "Larry", "Laura", "Lawrence", "Lillian", "Linda", "Lisa", "Lois", "Lori", "Louis", "Louise", "Margaret", "Maria", "Marie", "Marilyn", "Mark", "Martha", "Martin", "Mary", "Matthew", "Melissa", "Michael", "Michelle", "Mildred", "Nancy", "Nicholas", "Nicole", "Norma", "Pamela", "Patricia", "Patrick", "Paul", "Paula", "Peter", "Philip", "Phillip", "Phyllis", "Rachel", "Ralph", "Randy", "Raymond", "Rebecca", "Richard", "Robert", "Robin", "Roger", "Ronald", "Rose", "Roy", "Ruby", "Russell", "Ruth", "Ryan", "Samuel", "Sandra", "Sara", "Sarah", "Scott", "Sean", "Sharon", "Shawn", "Shirley", "Stephanie", "Stephen", "Steve", "Steven", "Susan", "Tammy", "Teresa", "Terry", "Theresa", "Thomas", "Timothy", "Tina", "Todd", "Victor", "Virginia", "Walter", "Wanda", "Wayne", "William", "Willie")
 $Surame = ("Smith", "Johnson", "Williams", "Jones", "Brown", "Davis", "Miller", "Wilson", "Moore", "Taylor", "Anderson", "Thomas", "Jackson", "White", "Harris", "Martin", "Thompson", "Garcia", "Martinez", "Robinson", "Clark", "Rodriguez", "Lewis", "Lee", "Walker", "Hall", "Allen", "Young", "Hernandez", "King", "Wright", "Lopez", "Hill", "Scott", "Green", "Adams", "Baker", "Gonzalez", "Nelson", "Carter", "Mitchell", "Perez", "Roberts", "Turner", "Phillips", "Campbell", "Parker", "Evans", "Edwards", "Collins", "Stewart", "Sanchez", "Morris", "Rogers", "Reed", "Cook", "Morgan", "Bell", "Murphy", "Bailey", "Rivera", "Cooper", "Richardson", "Cox", "Howard", "Ward", "Torres", "Peterson", "Gray", "Ramirez", "James", "Watson", "Brooks", "Kelly", "Sanders", "Price", "Bennett", "Wood", "Barnes", "Ross", "Henderson", "Coleman", "Jenkins", "Perry", "Powell", "Long", "Patterson", "Hughes", "Flores", "Washington", "Butler", "Simmons", "Foster", "Gonzales", "Bryant", "Alexander", "Russell", "Griffin", "Diaz", "Hayes", "Myers", "Ford", "Hamilton", "Graham", "Sullivan", "Wallace", "Woods", "Cole", "West", "Jordan", "Owens", "Reynolds", "Fisher", "Ellis", "Harrison", "Gibson", "Mcdonald", "Cruz", "Marshall", "Ortiz", "Gomez", "Murray", "Freeman", "Wells", "Webb", "Simpson", "Stevens", "Tucker", "Porter", "Hunter", "Hicks", "Crawford", "Henry", "Boyd", "Mason", "Morales", "Kennedy", "Warren", "Dixon", "Ramos", "Reyes", "Burns", "Gordon", "Shaw", "Holmes", "Rice", "Robertson", "Hunt", "Black", "Daniels", "Palmer", "Mills", "Nichols", "Grant", "Knight", "Ferguson", "Rose", "Stone", "Hawkins", "Dunn", "Perkins", "Hudson", "Spencer", "Gardner", "Stephens", "Payne", "Pierce", "Berry", "Matthews", "Arnold", "Wagner", "Willis", "Ray", "Watkins", "Olson", "Carroll", "Duncan", "Snyder", "Hart", "Cunningham", "Bradley", "Lane", "Andrews", "Ruiz", "Harper", "Fox", "Riley", "Armstrong", "Carpenter", "Weaver", "Greene", "Lawrence", "Elliott", "Chavez", "Sims", "Austin", "Peters", "Kelley", "Franklin", "Lawson")
 for ($i = 1; $i -le $NumberOfUsers; $i++)
 $gn = $GivenName | Get-Random
 $sn = $Surame | Get-Random
 $AccountName = $gn.Substring(0,1) + $sn

# create a password to fit most requirements
$pw = ""
 do {$pw += (33..126) | foreach {[char]$_} | Get-Random}
 until ($pw.Length -ge 16)
 $AccountPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $pw -AsPlainText -Force

New-ADUser -AccountPassword $AccountPassword -GivenName $gn -Surname $sn -Name $AccountName -Organization "LabUser" -Enabled $true -PassThru



The Script Development Process

Script Development Process
Script Development Process

This script development process is an iterative process designed to help you rapidly write quality scripts. The principle is to understand and define the problem. Break up your solution into small steps. Code one small step at a time. Test each small step and get it right before moving on to the next piece. Repeat these steps until you have your solution. All while managing your time.

When is automation the solution?

The benefits of automation are primarily to save time and to decrease errors associated with manual actions. You will need to make the calculation if a script will benefit your situation. How many hours will it take for you to write these script? How many hours of manual work will the script save?

Continue reading “The Script Development Process”

Output the PowerShell assignment command from an array

This function will take an array and output the PowerShell assignment command with the elements from the array. It would be useful if you want to hardcode a string array and don’t want to manually format it.

The function is below, along with an example usage and example output.

function ArrayAssignment ($MyArray) {
    $ArrayContent = "`$Array = @("
    # Output elements except the last
    $MyArray[0..$($MyArray.Count-2)] | foreach {$ArrayContent += "`"$_`","}
    # Output the last element
    $ArrayContent += "`"$($MyArray[$MyArray.Count-1])`")"

# Create an array of the first 20 services names for an example
$Example = (Get-Service).DisplayName[0..19]

# Use the function
ArrayAssignment $Example

# Example Output:
PS C:\>
$Array = @("Adobe Flash Player Update Service","AllJoyn Router Service","Application Layer Gateway Service","AMD External Events Utility","AMD FUEL Service","Application Identity","Application Information","Apple Mobile Device Service","Application Management","App Readiness","AppX Deployment Service (AppXSVC)","ASP.NET State Service","Windows Audio Endpoint Builder","Windows Audio","ActiveX Installer (AxInstSV)","BitLocker Drive Encryption Service","Base Filtering Engine","Background Intelligent Transfer Service","Bonjour Service","Background Tasks Infrastructure Service")

Get the IP addresses of Hyper-V VMs, part 2

A variation on my previous post.

This one-liner uses an expression in a select to expose the IP addresses. The expression is necessary so we can drill down into the NetworkAdapters collection to get to the IPAddresses property.

This will list all IP addresses for each VM:

Get-VM | select Name, State, @{Name="IP";Expression={$_.NetworkAdapters.IPAddresses}}

This next variation displays only the first IP address for each VM. Note the “[0]”. It addresses the first element of “IPAddresses” array.

Get-VM | select Name, State, @{Name="IP";Expression={$_.NetworkAdapters.IPAddresses[0]}}